We Belong Centre is a specialist primary health care clinic in Pretoria for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender, Intersex, Queer, Gender Non-Confirming people, Men who have sex with men, Women who have sex with Women, Youth, Adolescent girls and Young Women (AGYW).


  • Develop tailor made training manual.
  • Train and mentor service providers and CSOs.
  • Conduct workshops and empowering sessions for LGBTI+.
  • Implement a national campaign and roll out in provinces.
  • Case report awareness.
    Development of IEC material.
  • Develop press statements and media engagement on current affairs.
  • Use social media consistently and effectively.


  • Documenting, reporting and follow up of hate crime and discrimination of cases.
  • Establish and lobby government and other stakeholders for inclusion of women and LGBTI+ priorities to their programme.
  • Representation of AC2 in various structures and in various spheres.
  • Development of public policy position papers and fact sheets.
  • To litigate specific civil and criminal cases.
  • Develop human rights specific materials- tailor made for LGBTI= persons.
    Develop National LGBTI+ human rights and shadow report.
  • Collaborate with other human rights organisations to mainstream LGBTI issues.
  • Host a Human Rights Seminar annually.
  • Train Peer educators on Human rights.
  • Develop a Human Rights Violation Cell phone application.


The goal for the research, monitoring and evaluation is to create knowledge and understanding of issues affecting women and LGBTI people, to improve society and wellbeing of people through evidence-based approach. Some of the activities within this programme include designing and conducting operational research (qualitative and quantitative) through identified thematic areas; designing organizational M&E framework; designing and implementing impact evaluation framework, safe spaces, dialogues, and awareness campaigns based on data from trends of hate crimes and discrimination case reported; developing and publishing two books annually based on thematic areas; and producing AC2 annual report.